The Hip and Groin

Hip and Groin Injuries

The hip and groin is a complex area, with a wide variety of possible injuries in numerous anatomical structures. In addition, imaging such as MRI reveals a high prevalence of ‘abnormal findings’ in athletes without symptoms, increasing the complexity of determining diagnosis in this area.

The diagram below details pain related to one or more of the following entities –

Pelvic Floor

What are the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

The floor of the pelvis is made up of layers of muscle and other tissue. They stretch like a hammock from the tail bone at the back to the pubic bone in the front. A woman’s pelvic floor supports the bladder, the womb (uterus) and the bowel.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Dry needling is the use of very thin pins to release myofascial trigger points in the muscles. A trigger point is a palpable part of the muscle, which is tight due to the muscle sacromeres being partially crossed over each other but they are in a static state, no longer contracting or relaxing.

One Leg Physio Test

Take the One Leg Physio Test with Beechboro Physio

Great balance can improve your health & fitness and in people 60+ can reduce the risk of falling. One Leg Physio has started the One Leg Test to see the average performance balancing on one leg in age groups. This can be done with your eyes open or closed for more of a challenge.

Patellofemoral Pain Management

Patellofemoral Pain Management

Patellofemoral pain (pain around, behind or under the knee cap) is very common, and affects both males and females of all activity levels. It often results in pain during simple daily activities such as walking, running, sitting, squatting and walking up stairs and down stairs.

What Might Cause my knee pain?

Massage Therapy for Health & Fitness

Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good. How about if they knew massage could improve performance, aid recovery, prevent and eliminate injuries, reduce stress and even enhance metabolism and circulation!

Massage Therapy for Health and Fitness

The reason you feel different after a massage is because it is healing and invigorating tired,

Hamstring and Gluteal Stretches

We had a lot of comments on how beneficial the plantar fascia video was, so lets work our way up the leg. This video runs through some excellent stretches for the buttock muscles and hamstrings. We are sure you will find it helpful. Feel free to contact us on 9377 2522 with any queries.


HBF Recovery

Well done to all the participants who completed the 4km, 12km and 21km HBF Run for a Reason (even though some did more than their Physio had suggested).

For recovery remember to drink lots of water, stretching regularly and even doing some swimming. Here’s a recovery smoothing that people may like, Although we’re not quite sure why a purple coloured smooths is called a green smoothie.

Plantar Fasciitis

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is usually associated with an overuse injury.  Over time, combined with the repetitive nature of running or walking, the irritation can worsen and the intensity of the pain increases.

The pain is typically worse in the morning, with the first steps being very tender until the area warms up. 


Is work giving you a pain in the neck?  Or maybe your pain is lower down the back or perhaps between the shoulder blades!!

Within the work environment many people spend long periods of time seated at the computer and then often go home and spend some of their leisure time also at the computer.